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« Dear J. Crew ... | Main | giggle. »

March 21, 2008



Ellen those are ridiculously gorgeous. They are prettier than most wedding invitations, much less save the dates.


Sigh. Fabulous. I want a do-over! Love the suitcase too, I wish I had some reason to buy one of those.


Ellen I am officially obsessed with them. And I don't please easily with paper products:) They are simply fab and probably the coolest STDs EVER.

I want one! :)


THOSE, ARE, AWESOME! No wonder it's taken you so long to get those puppies out! You rock and your Matron of Honor rocks!


Jaw dropping to floor gorgeous! Incredible!

Allison aka HaselBride

Awesome! I absolutely love them and once again am ashamed of my simple save-the-dates.

Your "logo" for your date is divine; so original!


Wow! These are literally amazing!


I love the invitations. I know this is something you wanted to pursue further. I am a newly engaged bride and looking to order invitations and rsvp cards, save the date and table numbers. Are you taking new clients.

Thanks Again..

Aja' Baker

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