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« "pumkin girl" | Main | finally!! »

October 08, 2008



Ellen! I can't get over how fantastic this is - you couldn't possibly have anything to be embarassed about.


Ellen, your video is amazing! I love it! I did notice how eager you were to get down the aisle... :) So cute!

Amanda Medley

Haha...I almost left a comment on Sabrina's blog yesterday about you practically sprinting down the aisle.


@ Amanda: LOL. I am so awesome ;o)


Ellen-loved watching the video on Sabrina's blog! Glad you posted it too with your comments! I was thinking that they did some fancy editing thing when you were walking down the aisle to appear that you were going faster! It is so cute! Reminded me of my friend who bolted down the aisle in a friend's wedding :)

Sabrina Torti

Darn right I beat you to it....I think that might be the only reason it's even here. I do think the booking down the aisle is edited a bit. I wish Switzer wasn't so busy or I would ask for a "pop-up" video that would be HILARIOUS!!! And NO, this doesn't buy time for your reviews. Stop oogling pumpkins, furniture and doggie clothes and get busy Missy!!


Makes me a little teary every time I see it. So lovely to see you oh, so very happy.


Love it...your comments too. Your bridcage headpiece after the cermony is lovely. Congrats on a gorgeous wedding...from one newlywed to another!

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