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May 07, 2009



I am not a big fan of Lamb, but one of the catering companies I used made something kind of like a lamb slider. It was the lamb with onions, garlic, feta, and spinach all in the burger patty. I think it was sometimes topped with hummus too.

I would love to do CSA but I worry about getting some products I wouldn't ever use and would go to waste. If you do end up doing a swap sometime I would be interested to hear about that process.

Great blog post!


If you are looking for some good asparagus, Schraf's at the soulard market has the most AMAZING stuff right now. soo good, crazy fresh,and nice and thin and tender. Plus there is the cutest little preggo there :)


Oooh, that all looks really good. I wish I was able to cook more so I could do the same!

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