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« this is the product I've been waiting my entire life for. | Main | merry, merry! »

November 02, 2010



Where did you get this costume? ADORABLE!


That is just adorable! I love those little shoes! :-)


Too cute!


That is too much! So stinkin' cute!


those are the most freaky funny things i've seen in quite a while..and i've seen a lot of things by now! :-) adorable kid!

Jeannine @ Small & Chic

That is the cutest hedgehog I've ever seen! He looks so snuggly! I want to hug him!

Thank you SO much for the comment on my blog. I'm drooling over your wedding shoes! You are an angel for actually posting where you got them. Alas, they are long gone. It's good know, though, so I can stop hunting. :)

Your wedding was gorgeous! Oddly, I've held an event in a lecture room downstairs in that museum! What a stunning location!


OMG! He is so cute!
The costume is just adorable!

Terrell Suggs Jersey

People, what a wonderful site you he here

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